American Foods Group
It Project Portfolio Lead
Schreiber Foods Feb 2017 - Jul 2019
Lead Software Developer
Schreiber Foods Dec 2013 - Jan 2017
Senior Software Developer and Project Manager
Wec Energy Group Sep 2008 - Dec 2013
Senior Programmer Analyst
Wec Energy Group Apr 2006 - Sep 2008
Programmer Analyst
University of Wisconsin - Fox Valley 2011 - 2015
Masters, Business
University of Wisconsin - Fox Valley 1998 - 2003
Bachelors, Bachelor of Business Administration, Economics, Management
Integration Ms Project Microsoft Sql Server Access Business Process Oracle Troubleshooting Software Project Management Crystal Reports Process Improvement Databases Erp Sdlc Business Process Improvement Project Management Oracle Sql Developer Optiva Business Analysis Management
Economics and Politics Brewers Home Improvement Projects Poverty Alleviation Packers My Family Brewing Beer Badgers
The goal of Beauty Amidst The Ashes is to share the gospel message of salvation and hope found only in Jesus Christ. God has given us great compassion and a heart for working with hurting people. Thro...
Beauty Amidst The Ashes is a ministry that walks in obedience to the Holy Spirit's leading and direction. Our foundation is sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and furthering the kingdom of God as we advocate for adoption in crisis pregnancy situations.
Carl Christiansen
Male, near 60, single, less liberal than I was- but not much, loves: family, my kids, all grand-kids, lots of music, lots of art, 'discussing' social and political points of view, cats, laughing, free 'hold 'em' poker, sci fi, bicycles, swimming, nature, food (cooking & eating,) anime, other suff too...