Rochester NYPresident at J Nelson Enterprise LLC More than 25 years of experience in 'making things better'. MS in System Engineering, BS in Applied Science and ASQ-certified Six Sigma Black Belt. Positions... More than 25 years of experience in 'making things better'. MS in System Engineering, BS in Applied Science and ASQ-certified Six Sigma Black Belt. Positions ranging from Product Development and Engineering, Operations, Strategy, and Customer loyalty surveys and retention programs. Domestic and...
Janet Nelson, whose home was destroyed by the Canyon Fire, discusses her plans to rebuild after surveying what remains of her home on Wednesday afternoon. At left, Markos Rodriguez and Sammy Meza, both firefighters with the Bureau of Land Management, ...
Women, Gross, Janet Nelson 78, Karen Nicole 81, Melissa Johnson 81; Net, Pat Kordalski 64, Donna Browne 65. Team, Gross, Andy Stonehouse/Brian Bilodeau/Jim Sperl/Kevin Dean 64, Neil Mayo/Dale Brown 67, Glen Fillion 67, Bob Brickel 67; Net, ...
China Painting Teachers Hold Demonstration & Exhibit this Week
Pictured above are workshop teacher Celeste McCall and CPTT president Millie Sayers. Below are additional pictures of teachers participating in the workshop. Pictured above left to right: Ann Smith of Brownwood, Brook Davis of Albany and Janet Nelson ...
Janet Nelson, development director for Alzheimer's Arkansas, discussed the programs and services available. Probably one of the biggest things around here is the 24-hour telephone line, because Alzheimer's is not 9-5, Monday through Friday, Nelson ...
PARIS Member-Guest: Ladies, Gross, Bobbi Bickford/Janet Nelson 68.6, Joan Moorehead/Ann Nelson 72.3; Net, Peg Neilson/Nancy Farmer 68.8, Anita Davis/Betty Jordan 76.6. Mixed, Gross, Mary Ann Brown/Alex Waite 89.9; Net, Molly Dow/Simmons 83. ...
NAMI meeting in Gautier to address mental health issues
A 7 pm group meets on the third Thursday each month at Garden Park Hospital in Harrison County with facilitators Carol and Mike Fullilove and Janet Nelson. A fourth group led by Mike Fullilove will start this fall in Picayune. ...