Kaiser Permanente Medical GroupKaiser Permanente Medical Center Orthopedics & Podiatry 4647 Zion Ave, San Diego, CA 92120 (866)4592912 (phone), (858)6165230 (fax)
Medical School University of Florida College of Medicine at Gainesville Graduated: 2000
Spinal Fusion Spinal Surgery
Intervertebral Disc Degeneration Scoliosis or Kyphoscoliosis Spinal Stenosis
English Spanish
Dr. Roper graduated from the University of Florida College of Medicine at Gainesville in 2000. He works in San Diego, CA and specializes in Orthopaedic Surgery Of Spine. Dr. Roper is affiliated with Kaiser Permanente Medical Center.
Temple University since Jan 2012
Indiana Department of Correction Nov 2010 - May 2011
Correctional Officer
Porter Hospital Jun 2006 - Dec 2008
Food Service Worker
Temple University 2012 - 2014
BS, Business---Legal Studies
Ivy Tech Community College 2008 - 2010
AAS, Law Enforcement
Word PowerPoint Microsoft Office Excel Access Certified First Responder
Jonathan Roper - The Wealthy Call Center Empl...
In this episode of The Wealthy Trucker, Eric Neely talks with Jonathan...
1h 15m 15s
Celebrating CX | Research and recruiting: the...
In a 30-minute Lunch Talk, Jonathan Roper from Briar Bird, talks about...
29m 48s
Jonathan Roper's New Website
Welcome and introduction to Jon's ministry update page.
Urodynamics: An introduction, by Cath, Urolog...
This is part of a video series for mybladdermylife.... - a project fr...
4m 58s
Jonathan Roper's Director Reel for Banjo Trea...
(c) BanjoTreasures 2007--Contact through You Tube for inquires--Find Y...
3m 22s
Roper's Ribs Ravenous Pigs
The Ravenous Pigs of Florida bike to Roper's Ribs. Mike and his fellow...
At the same time, prosecutors unsealed the guilty pleas of two former Insys executives, Jonathan Roper and Fernando Serrano, who were charged last year and are now cooperating. The company's billionaire founder,John Kapoor, and other Insys officials and employees are also under indictment in a scan
Date: Mar 17, 2018
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
New Rochelle MD Pushed Fentanyl Spray For Big Pharma: US Attorney
Also unsealed Friday were the guilty pleas of two former Pharma Company-1 employees, Jonathan Roper and Fernando Serrano, in connection with their participation in the bribery and kickback scheme. Both Roper and Serrano are cooperating with the Government.
Date: Mar 17, 2018
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Doctors charged in alleged painkiller kickback scheme
After one sham program in 2014, sales reps Fernando Serrano and Jonathan Roper who are named as co-conspirators in the indictment allegedly took Goldstein and Schlifstein to a strip club and blew $4,100 on booze and lap dances for the doctors.
Date: Mar 16, 2018
Category: Business
Source: Google
Five New York doctors charged with taking kickbacks from Insys
Prosecutors also said that two former Insys employees who were first charged in 2016 in connection with the scheme, Jonathan Roper and Fernando Serrano, had secretly pleaded guilty and become cooperating witnesses.
Date: Mar 16, 2018
Category: Business
Source: Google
Jonathan Roper
Www.brightroom.co.nz - Partner BBC World News - Sound + Communications Director (2009)
Communication Catalyst
Jonathan Roper
University of California, Davis - Biology
Jonathan Roper
Jonathan Roper
Jonathan Roper
Jonathan Roper
US Cellular - Retail Wireless Consultant (2006)
Western Carolina University - MBA, University of North Carolina at Asheville - Business