ve been at that party with Puffy.Puffy sued me for not returning to New York (the suit was a front-page item in The New York Times). I eventually settled the suit, but it dragged on for a time, and as result, the Joseph Smith project fell through. I was at a loss as a writer for a long time.When cha
Date: Feb 16, 2025
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
Sunday afternoon session: Summaries from Latter-day Saint general conference
On Easter in 1836, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were visited by Jesus Christ, Moses and Elijah in that temple, President Nelson said. The keys of the gathering of Israel, the gospel of Abraham and the sealing power were given to Joseph Smith.
Date: Apr 07, 2024
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
M. Russell Ballard, who went from hard-driving car dealer to longtime Latter-day Saint apostle, dies at 95
Perhaps, given his pedigree, the apostolic assignment should not have surprised him. Ballard was a descendant of Hyrum Smith, brother of Mormonism founder Joseph Smith, and the grandson of two early 20th-century apostles: Melvin J. Ballard and Hyrum M. Smith.In fact, both of their pictures hung on his office wall. He also displayed busts of his great-great-uncle the Prophet Joseph Smith, his great-great-grandfather Hyrum Smith, and his great-grandfather President Joseph F. Smith.Im talking about polygamy. Of seer stones. Different accounts of the [church founder Joseph Smiths] First Vision. The process of translation of the Book of Mormon. Of the Book of Abraham. Gender issues. Race and the priesthood. Or a Heavenly Mother, he said. ...It is important that you know t
Date: Nov 13, 2023
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Remembering the Life of President M. Russell Ballard
you imagine we had the privilege of sitting beside a man who is the greatgreatgrandson of Hyrum Smith. And Joseph Smith was his greatgreatuncle. Every day, I feel a debt of gratitude for the privilege of associating with a direct descendant of those respected and revered leaders. Hes got tha
Date: Nov 13, 2023
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Sister Kathleen J. Eyring, wife of President Henry B. Eyring, dies at age 82 following a life of deep conviction to the gospel
Everything Ive done in the Church, my marriage to Hal, any call Ive accepted, I have done with deep conviction that Joseph Smith is a prophet, the Church is true, the Church is led by prophets, and the priesthood is restored and is upon the earth, Sister Eyring said in a Church News interview wh
Date: Oct 15, 2023
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Latest from Sunday's LDS General Conference: President Russell Nelson urges members to 'think celestial,' announces 20 new temples
We sing Praise to the man who communed with Jehovah, Ballard said. We thank the Lord for Joseph Smith and for his courage to go into that grove of trees in 1820 near his home in Palmyra, New York.My message this morning is simple, its deep, and its full of love for the prophet Joseph Smith, he said. Ballards great-great-grandfather is Hyrum Smith, the brother of the faiths founder.
Date: Oct 01, 2023
Category: World
Source: Google
Indiana high school football scores: Live updates, highlights Week 9
ack in the present, Pyre asks Allen if he misses going to church. Yes, he says, but what he misses most is the days when he believed God was love. It was love, after all, that drove Joseph Smith to create his one true church. With their love, Allen says, God would share hidden truths. Thats t