LOVE:swimming ,basketball,soc... the Wii,text, go on FB,being LAZY(sometimes),M&Ms,Mexci... most inportanly GOD and my famly friends. HATE:onions,drama,the packers,the song E.T,dark chocalate...
Bragging Rights:
Have all As in school,AWESOME dancer and singer,really good drawer and have cool friends and famly!!
Nicole Alvarez
Nova Southeastern University - Criminal Justice, Springfield College - Criminal Justice
A little of me lives in Milwaukee,WI - Jackson, MS - Ft.Lauderdale, FL - Chicago, IL but as a whole I'm so much better!
Amy Lasswell, Claudio Santos, Kristi Deer, Jarrod Price, Tim Trotter, Monica White, Shyla Wagner, Timothy Hale, Michael Nordhaus, Jason Schnicker, Jennifer Biggerstaff, Kora Nalley
Hello fellow classmates from McLeansboro, IL High School Class of 1998! I, on behal...
Her and Xavier, they dont really like to express their hurt, said Nicole Alvarez, 18, Adriana Salomons best friend. Even the day after the funeral, no one was crying or upset; we were just reminiscing about the good times with her.
Date: May 29, 2021
Category: More news
Source: Google
Detective Says Michael Jackson's Personal Doctor Would 'Do Whatever He ...
In the trial, Martinez also revealed Murray phoned his girlfriend, Nicole Alvarez, when the doctor was in the ambulance that carried Jackson from the singer's house to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center. He later explained to jury that he interviewed Alvarez and found something suspicious
Date: May 02, 2013
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
Possible coverup focus in civil suit over Michael Jackson's death
Los Angeles Police Det. Orlando Martinez said cell phone records show Dr. Conrad Murray called his girlfriend, Nicole Alvarez, at 1:08 p.m. on June 25, 2009, a minute after the ambulance carrying him and his stricken mega-star patient left Jacksons home for Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center.
Date: May 01, 2013
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
Conrad Murray sentenced to four years in Jackson death
right to appeal. He asked a question about appeal procedure. As sheriff's deputies escorted him out of court, he blew a kiss toward his mother, Milta Rush, and other family members and supporters. He mouthed "I love you" to his mother and girlfriend Nicole Alvarez, mother of their 2-year-old son.
dHis Medical License!! His Jackson "Tell All Book"Will Make Him Rich And Famous!!! He Will Drop His Ugly Wife For, Nicole Alvarez,And Bang "All" The Hot Women He Wants!!!
Date: Nov 01, 2011
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
Investigators next up in Jackson manslaughter case
The witnesses included several of the doctor's mistresses and his current girlfriend, Nicole Alvarez, who received shipments of propofol at her apartment on Murray's behalf but said she never knew what he was being sent.
Date: Oct 05, 2011
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
Murray told girlfriends of Jackson's unconscious state
The second girlfriend who testified was 29-year-old Nicole Alvarez who has lived with Murray and their son in a $2,500 Santa Monica apartment since 2009. Murray has six other children by different women, according to court documents.
Date: Oct 05, 2011
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
Investigators next in trial of Michael Jackson's doctor
The third girlfriend to testify Tuesday was Nicole Alvarez, 29, who has a two-year-old son fathered by Murray. Her animated testimony suggested she was starstruck by Michael Jackson, who she met several times with Murray.