Rosemary Martin (17 December 1936 14 August 1998) was an English actress, best-remembered for her television roles (Mrs. Partridge in Last of the Summer ...
Rosemary Martin
Rosemary Martin
Rosemary Martin
Rosemary Martin
Rosemary Martin
Rosemary Martin
Rosemary Martin
Rosemary Martin
Rosemary Martin: First 100 Years Biography
Rosemary is Group General Counsel and Company Secretary at Vodafone. S...
7m 53s
Rosemary Martin Profile
As Community Heritage Month comes to a close, NCTV17 is celebrating so...
2m 27s
Rosemary Martins - Love To Love You Baby (Off...
From "Disco Reggae Vol.3" compilation, released by Stix Records and av...
5m 30s
Thoovella Osthiyil | | Rosemary Martin | Th...
This beautiful song (cover version) is prepared by Candles Band..... L...
6m 8s
In Conversation: Rosemary Martin assumption t...
Rosemary Martin and Dame Janet Gaymer during First 100 Year's In Conve...
Dean Martin & Rosemary Clooney
DM n RC Singin a Medley :D.
3m 28s
Tenn package bomb suspect once burned down a house
Danny and Rosemary Martin said in a telephone interview that they contracted with Richard Parker to restore an 1830s cabin in Pulaski that was given to them by relatives when they decided to move to the country to raise their children. The work was supposed to be complete in June 1990, but it began
Date: Feb 14, 2014
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Tenn package bomb suspect once burned down a house
Both Danny and Rosemary Martin said that they thought immediately of Parker when they heard on the news that 74-year-old Jon Setzer and his wife, 72-year-old Marion Setzer, had been killed by an exploding package at their home in Lebanon, about 40 minutes east of Nashville. Parker lived directly beh
Date: Feb 14, 2014
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Wilson Co. Explosion Suspect Previously Arrested For Arson
The victims named in the case, Danny and Rosemary Martin, said even before Parker was charged with burning down their home that he was hired to renovate, they noticed he was showing signs of odd behavior, like writing meticulous notes about his day.
Date: Feb 14, 2014
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Residents Cheer On Javier Colon, aka 'The Voice' of Stratford
We who love Javier wanted to have a community outpouring of love and support, said Rosemary Martin, a former theater arts teacher at Bunnell High School who worked on productions with Colon before he graduated in 1995. Martin spearheaded the event and said she was happy with the turnout as well
Dorset and LondonRosemary has a wealth of experience helping organisations succeed both as an operational manager and as an HR consultant, business and executive coach... Rosemary has a wealth of experience helping organisations succeed both as an operational manager and as an HR consultant, business and executive coach. Initially employed by the Midland Bank, Richard Costain and W S Atkins, she has operated at a senior HR level for Selfridges and Allders of Croydon...