
Alfred A Akerman

age ~78

from Knoxville, TN

Also known as:
  • Alfred M Akerman
  • Margo Alfred Akerman
  • Margo Lee Akerman
  • Margo L Akerman
Phone and address:
4063 Alta Vista Way, Knoxville, TN 37919

Alfred Akerman Phones & Addresses

  • 4063 Alta Vista Way, Knoxville, TN 37919 • (865)5224063
Name / Title
Company / Classification
Phones & Addresses
Alfred Akerman
Diditco Inc
Commercial Physical Research
4063 Alta Vis Way, Knoxville, TN 37919

License Records

Alfred Akerman

4063 Alta Vis Way, Knoxville, TN 37919
License #:


Alfred Akerman Photo 1

Owner, Diditco, Inc

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Knoxville, Tennessee Area
Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing
Alfred Akerman Photo 2

Vp At Diditco, Inc

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Knoxville, Tennessee Area

Us Patents

  • Truck Acoustic Data Analyzer System

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  • US Patent:
    20060037400, Feb 23, 2006
  • Filed:
    Aug 19, 2004
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Howard Haynes - Knoxville TN, US
    Alfred Akerman - Knoxville TN, US
    Curtis Ayers - Kingston TN, US
  • International Classification:
    H04R 29/00
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    A passive vehicle acoustic data analyzer system having at least one microphone disposed in the acoustic field of a moving vehicle and a computer in electronic communication the microphone(s). The computer detects and measures the frequency shift in the acoustic signature emitted by the vehicle as it approaches and passes the microphone(s). The acoustic signature of a truck driving by a microphone can provide enough information to estimate the truck speed in miles-per-hour (mph), engine speed in rotations-per-minute (RPM), turbocharger speed in RPM, and vehicle weight.
  • Apparatus And System For Measuring Volume Of Blood Loss

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  • US Patent:
    20190041405, Feb 7, 2019
  • Filed:
    Oct 11, 2018
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    - Salt Lake City UT, US
    Lara Brewer - Bountiful UT, US
    Suzanne Wendelken - Salt Lake City UT, US
    Quinn Tate - North Salt Lake UT, US
    Soeren Hoehne - Salt Lake City UT, US
    Alfred Akerman - Knoxville TN, US
    Stephen W. Allison - Collierville TN, US
    Matthew B. Scudiere - Oak Ridge TN, US
    Michael R. Cates - Oak Ridge TN, US
    David L. Beshears - Knoxville TN, US
    Adan James Akerman - Knoxville TN, US
  • International Classification:
    G01N 33/72
    G01N 33/49
    A61B 5/02
    A61M 1/00
    A61B 5/1455
    A61B 5/145
    G01N 21/31
  • Abstract:
    A system for measuring the blood loss comprises a measuring device that determines a hemoglobin concentration of fluid within a container utilizing a light source and a light detector. The container receives blood and other fluids from a patient during a medical procedure. Light from the light source is passed through the blood and other fluids in the container and is detected by the light detector. Based upon a magnitude of light detected, a hemoglobin concentration of the fluid in the container can be determined. A volume-measuring device determines the volume of blood and fluid in the container. Knowing the hemoglobin concentration and volume of fluid in the container, the volume of patient blood loss in the container can be determined. The blood loss measuring device in combination with infusion systems maintains a real-blood volume status so that proper infusion of blood, crystalloid and/or colloid solutions occurs.
  • Apparatus And System For Measuring Volume Of Blood Loss

    view source
  • US Patent:
    20170290518, Oct 12, 2017
  • Filed:
    Apr 11, 2017
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Alfred Akerman - Knoxville TN, US
    Stephen W. Allison - Collierville TN, US
    Matthew B. Scudiere - Oak Ridge TN, US
    Michael R. Cates - Oak Ridge TN, US
    David L. Beshears - Knoxville TN, US
    Lara Brewer - Salt Lake City UT, US
    Adan James Akerman - Knoxville TN, US
  • International Classification:
    A61B 5/02
    G01N 21/31
    G01N 33/49
  • Abstract:
    A system for measuring the blood loss comprises a measuring device that determines a hemoglobin concentration of fluid within a container utilizing a light source and a light detector. The container receives blood and other fluids from a patient during a medical procedure. Light from the light source is passed through the blood and other fluids in the container and is detected by the light detector. Based upon a magnitude of light detected, a hemoglobin concentration of the fluid in the container can be determined. A volume-measuring device determines the volume of blood and fluid in the container. Knowing the hemoglobin concentration and volume of fluid in the container, the volume of patient blood loss in the container can be determined. The blood loss measuring device in combination with infusion systems maintains a real-blood volume status so that proper infusion of blood, crystalloid and/or colloid solutions occurs.


Alfred Akerman Photo 3

Alfred Akerman

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Alfred Akerman Photo 4

Alfred Akerman

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Alfred Akerman Photo 5

James Alfred Akerman

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Alfred the Great - Saviour of the Saxons Docu...

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    55m 30s

Who Was Alfred the Great?

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The Viking Wars of Alfred the Great's Britain...

Alfred the Great, King of the West Saxons, came to power in the midst ...

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Who was Alfred the Great? | The History of Eu...

Alfred the Great saved England from being overrun by Vikings. He also ...

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Gotham Knights - All Alfred Cutscenes

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  • Duration:
    27m 54s


Alfred Akerman Photo 6

Alfred Akerman Randolph ...

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