Implementations at NextGen Healthcare Information Systems, Implementation Supervisor at Healthcare Management Systems, Implementation specialist at HMS
Moulton, Alabama
Computer Software
NextGen Healthcare Information Systems - Austin, Tx since Aug 2011
Healthcare Management Systems since Oct 2008
Implementation Supervisor
HMS since Jun 2006
Implementation specialist
HMS Feb 2010 - Jun 2011
Sr Consultant II
Wills Memorial Hospita Jul 1999 - Jun 2006
The NRDC; Anna Heaton, a spokeswoman forSnyder; and Kristin Moore, a spokeswoman for the city of Flint, declined to comment on thesettlement Monday, saying Lawson'sorders forbid it until the agreement is formally accepted by the judge.
Date: Mar 27, 2017
Source: Google
Health care future uncertain for low-income Michiganders
the Healthy Michigan program and delivered that message to Washington earlier this month, but he has remained mum on the plan introduced last week by Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives.His spokeswoman, Anna Heaton, said he wants to see what direction Congress takes before he weighs in.
"Because of this, the funding provided by state taxpayers will no longer be used to pay for source water or water bill credits in Flint," said Anna Heaton, press secretary to the governor. Snyder was committed to continuing other forms of assistance to Flint, including "health care, education and ec
Date: Feb 10, 2017
Category: Business
Source: Google
Governor's office says Snyder plans to sign lead notification bill in Flint
Sponsored by state Rep. Sheldon Neeley, D-Flint, the bill was sent to the governor Dec. 27 and he plans to sign it in Flint at Neeley's request, said Anna Heaton, Snyder's press secretary, in an email to MLive-The Flint Journal.
Date: Jan 05, 2017
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
House GOP chair: State, federal failures caused Flint
It has been nearly a year since Gov. Snyder declared a state of emergency, and we went to work fixing the problem, and that is where our focus remains, Snyder spokeswoman Anna Heaton said. Its not productive to spend time engaging in partisan political attacks from out-of-state politicians.
Date: Dec 16, 2016
Category: Business
Source: Google
Michigan Republicans Are Trying To Pass A Restrictive Voter ID Bill For No Reason
Gov. Snyder doesnt decide whether or not he will sign a bill until he is sent the final version as passed by both chambers and has a chance to thoroughly review it, Anna Heaton, a Snyder spokeswoman, wrote in an email.
Date: Dec 08, 2016
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Michigan fights court order to deliver bottled water to Flint residents
r moves the efforts in Flint backward by requiring the state to refocus efforts on emergency delivery of bottled water at a time when independent and government water quality experts have said that filtered water is safe for all uses by all populations, the governors spokeswoman, Anna Heaton, said i
Date: Nov 17, 2016
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Michigan Fights To Avoid Delivering Water To Flint Residents
The herculean effort required by the court order would be on the magnitude of a large-scale military operation, Anna Heaton, spokeswoman for Gov. Rick Snyder (R), wrote in a statement emailed to The Huffington Post. The resources to accomplish this would only be available through the activation o