A method is provided for safely rotating and applying flammable tank coating materials in a spark free environment. The tank is continuously rotated for drying while being relocated to a drying position permitting another tank to be brought to a position for the tank coating process. A hydraulic motor assembly is used to drive the apparatus in its rotational and relocation modes. A hose festooning array permits the continuous rotation and relocation of the rotating tanks while maintaining the safe environment. The hose festooning array provides automatic storage and distribution of the hose between the motor assembly and the remotely positioned pump. A chain driven by another hydraulic motor provides the driving force to reposition the tanks using a track system.
An apparatus and method is provided for safely rotating large for apply flammable tank coating materials in a spark free environment. The tank is continuously rotated for drying while being relocated to a drying position permitting another tank to be brought to a position for the tank coating process. A hydraulic motor assembly is used to drive the apparatus in its rotational and relocation modes. A hose festooning array permits the continuous rotation and relocation of the rotating tanks while maintaining the safe environment. The hose festooning array provides automatic storage and distribution of the hose between the motor assembly and the remotely positioned pump. A chain driven by another hydraulic motor provides the driving force to reposition the tanks using a track system.