No Mans Land is occupied territory, said Ashraf Khatib of the Palestine Liberation Organizations Negotiations Affairs Department. Any permanent status for that territory should be part of a final status negotiation.
Date: Mar 07, 2018
Category: World
Source: Google
Palestinian deputy PM: 'High time' for Independence from Israel
PLO communications advisor Ashraf Khatib says the Palestinian leadership will have to redefine its relationship with Israel and that all options are open if the Americans use the veto in the Security Council. Khatib says no golden date has been set for when the UN Security council will discuss
Date: Dec 28, 2014
Category: World
Source: Google
Palestinians in West Bank's Area C suffer in limbo
"It's a land grab," said Palestinian Authority negotiator Ashraf Khatib, who believes that some in Netanyahu's government hope to annex Area C to avoid dismantling settlements and to exploit the fertile, water-rich Jordan Valley, already home to several large Israeli-owned date farms and vineyards.