Death, Sex &Money is a listener-supported production of WNYC Studios. The team includes Katie Bishop, Chester Jesus Soria, Emily Botein, Cayce Means and Andrew Dunn.Our interns are Carson Frame and Brandy Gonzalez.
Date: Jun 22, 2016
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
4-year-old beating odds after being 'internally decapitated'
"He's a miracle, he's literally just a miracle child," his mother, Brandy Gonzalez, told KTVB. Four-year-old Killianis beating all oddsafter a nearly fatal car accident, where doctors told his mom he was clinically decapitated. About three weeks later, he's not only alive and well,but he's doing
Date: Jun 09, 2016
Category: Health
Source: Google
First she heard the screams. Then she saved a life — by holding a boy's neck for half an hour.
Woodwards husband, a Nampa, Idaho, police officer with first responder training, helped his wife stabilize the boys neck. As her husband consoled Brandy Gonzalez the driver and boys mother Woodward held the boys head as still as possible. Using a blanket she swaddled the child to keep Gonzal
Date: Jun 07, 2016
Category: Health
Source: Google
4-year-old survives internal decapitation, no surgery needed
There was a hail storm going on when when Killian and his mother, Brandy Gonzalez, decided to make the trip back home to Nevada after celebrating Killian's fourth birthday. Ice on the road caused the vehicle to skid out of control and crash head-on into another car.
Besides the internal decapitation, the boy also suffered a ruptured spleen, a broken arm, and several broken ribs, according to Fox 6 Now. Brandy Gonzalez was also injured in the violent car crash, breaking her arm, femur, and the top of her tibia.Killian Gonzalez, 4, suffered internal decapitation in a violent car crash. He and his mother, Brandy Gonzalez, were driving home to Nebraska from Idaho after having celebrated the boys fourth birthday when the car crash occurred on icy roads. Though less than one percent of the people who are inte
Date: Jun 06, 2016
Category: Health
Source: Google
4-year-old boy 'internally decapitated' in crash survives thanks to good Samaritan
Brandy Gonzalez was driving back from Nevada on a stormy day after celebrating her son Killians fourth birthday when the car crash occurred, television station KBOI in Boise, Idaho, reported Friday.