Honor & Awards:
Bret is a combat-decorated U.S. Marine Corps Veteran with 8 ribbons and 4 medals.
In just the past few years, Bret Stout's work has been recognized with a VA Innovations Award, a Silver Telly Award, 2 Bronze Telly Awards, 2 Telly People's Choice Awards, 6 ADDY Awards, a Creativity Annual Award, and a Creativity International Award.
During his career, he has has accumulated 8 Telly Awards, 36 Local, Regional and National ADDY Awards, 6 New York Festivals Awards, 1 RAMA Award, 1 Effie Award, 1 AICP Award, 14 WEBBY Awards, 12 Ad:Tech Awards, 8 DFWIMA/EMMA Awards, Creative Circle Award, and many others.
His biggest awards came in the traditional advertising space with a Cannes Lion, Clio, Mobius, One Club's One Show Pencil (multiples on each).
Bret has been featured in many pubs including Advertising Age, ARTnews, DMN Today and High Profile (3 times), and Communication Arts.
Bret is also the 1993 Recipient of the Multi-Ethnic Heritage Foundation Cultural Philanthropy Award.