Brian Hayward Bowditch (born 1961) is a British mathematician known for his contributions to geometry and topology, particularly in the areas of geometric group theory and low ...
May 18 2009 Brian Bowditch records spot
1m 13s
Mind the Paygap: An OccuPAYtional hazard | Li...
The event, a first for Shaftesbury School, was called 'Louder than Wor...
13m 15s
Benjamin Barrett: Gromov boundaries and Bowdi...
In fact, one can say more: work of Brian Bowditch tells us that the st...
1h 4m 39s
Minister Brian Clark: Bro. David Bowditch Fun...
This was a beautiful homegoing of a former East Point church of Christ...
17m 55s
February 2, 2021
4m 22s
Bowditch Advanced Orchestra - Agincourt - Spr...
Bowditch Advanced Orchestra - Agincourt - Spring Concert; Click on the...