Watch Jon Bolding battle Brian Eason in the finals of Grand Prix Charl...
34m 7s
SCGINVI - 2012 - Legacy - Finals - Max Tietze...
Check out the latest TCG news and info! Register NOW for SCG CON Phila...
1h 34m 23s
SCGNASH: Finals - Brian Eason vs Gerry Thomps...
Check out more Magic: The Gathering videos on the Star City Games YouT...
44m 26s
Brian Eason
Me singing Faithfully.
3m 37s
SCGINVI - 2012 - Standard - Round 14c - Ross ...
Check out the latest TCG news and info! Get the latest SCGCON updates ...
17m 21s
SCGNASH: Semifinals B - Brian Eason vs Josh C...
Check out more Magic: The Gathering videos on the Star City Games YouT...
40m 2s
Brian Eason
Dallas, TX Columbia, MO Clarksville, TN
The Clarion-Ledger - City hall reporter (2011) The Leaf-Chronicle - City hall reporter (2009-2011)
University of Missouri–Columbia - Journalism and Political Science
Brian Eason
Xavier's School for Gifted Children
Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man that he didn't already have.
Bragging Rights:
"By his own account he was a skinny, balding, unshaven collection of bad habits marinated in alcohol, although these days he is better shaved and doesn't drink. Partly as a result of this latter fact, he is morose, cynical and ridiculously - and to his own embarrassment - soft-hearted in certain circumstances. He is almost certainly one of Nature's policemen; it has been said of him that his soul burns to arrest the Creator of the universe for getting it wrong. He loathes kings, and hates undead and assassins. He is also unashamedly speciesist - he deeply dislikes trolls and dwarfs, but in an almost proprietyroial way, so that he has risked his life and badge to defend them merely so that he can continue to dislike them. He hates the city in the same way; it's his to hate. " - Discworld Companion (on Samuel Vimes)
Dodson Drive Elementary School East Point GA 1971-1972, Morrow Elementary School Morrow GA 1972-1973, Bill Arp Elementary School Douglasville GA 1973-1974, Burnett Elementary School Douglasville GA 1974-1976, Chapel Hill Middle School Douglasville GA 1976-1979
Medway Junior Senior High School Medway MA 1985-1989
Anthony Martin, Lisa Beers, Mark Holmes, Christine Tenney, Korina Right, Scott Flanagan, J Dawson, Kathy Flaherty, Laurie Bettencourt, John Phillips, Kathy Regan
Northampton County East High School Conway NC 1979-1983
Brenda Roberts, Paulette Long, Cathy Grant, Keith Johnson, Eddie Hoggard, E Britt, Lori Pearce, Cassandra Ward, Dawn Thompson, Felicia Vaughan, Jay Gatling