Bias binding tape for one step sewing to the edge of the material to be trimmed, is formed as a single unit with a front tape portion, a rear tape portion and a base portion. The front and rear portions extend from the base portion in substantially the same direction to form legs of a bifurcated envelope which receives the material to be trimmed. In this way, both the front and rear portions may be sewn to the material at the same time, without the need for pinning or otherwise aligning two separate portions, or separate sewing of a front and a rear piece of bias tape. The base portion may include ruffles or other decorative trim as desired.
Embroideries Unlimited Oct 2009 - Mar 2016
Congregation Beth Sholom 2002 - 2004
Community Council of Greater Teaneck 2002 - 2004
Embroideries Unlimited 2002 - 2004
University of Oklahoma 1969 - 1973
Bachelors, Bachelor of Arts, Political Science
Cliffside Park High School, Cliffside Park, Nj 1966 - 1969
Cliffside Park High School 1969
Marketing Fundraising Public Speaking Social Media Social Media Marketing Strategic Planning Event Planning Editing Leadership Customer Service Marketing Strategy Volunteer Management Community Outreach Budgets Blogging Nonprofit Organizations Social Networking Retail Non Profits Small Business Product Management