
Caprice L Lunn

age ~58

from Terlton, OK

Also known as:
  • Caprice Lynn Lunn
Phone and address:
366110 E 5640 Rd, Terlton, OK 74081

Caprice Lunn Phones & Addresses

  • 366110 E 5640 Rd, Terlton, OK 74081 • (918)2665330
  • Cleveland, OK
  • Catoosa, OK
  • Broken Arrow, OK


  • Company:
    La barge oil truck plant
    Sep 2011
  • Position:
    Frac pump box and circuit plate, rose box and plate assembler


  • School / High School:
    Cleveland High School, TJC, and Sand Springs Beauty College
  • Specialities:
    Self Taught years of knowledge, just need a job to use it in computers, business math, cosmetology, which includes coverage on electrical devices used, carpentry on job at Sear store remodel use of blueprints and sprec to follow, use of hand tools, read blue print for ex husband Plumbing company and assisted in Bids on Walmart Job, and home etc...Sectretary billing and payroll- used hand tools jack hammer back hoe, ran copper water line and solder joints, further solder training and JDtandered certified on circuit boards, over haulled engine at 15yrs of age, not afraid of new or getting dirty, worked as carpenter and oil changer while putting myself through beauty college, like challenges and work well with others and not afraid to ask questions when needed. knowledge of concrete, rebar and cold joints for proper repair... I have a my foot in a lot of areas in my life, inclluding raising veggies to sale to local stores and talked my first boss into hiring me so I could purchase my first car at 15.


Reading blue prints/specs • hand tool • tools in general • quality inspector


Caprice Lunn Photo 1

Picker And Kitting And Reciever And Transportation Driver And Customer Relations

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366110 east 5640 Rd, Terlton, OK
Oil & Energy
Lri Aerospace
Picker and Kitting and Reciever and Transportation Driver and Customer Relations
Caprice Lunn Photo 2

Caprice Lunn

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Caprice Lunn Photo 3

Caprice Lunn Broken Arrow, OK

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La Barge Oil Truck Plant

Sep 2011 to Mar 2012
Frac Pump Box and Circuit Plate, Rose Box and Plate Assembler
OAI Electronics

Jun 2011 to Sep 2011
Final QA Inspector on circuit boards, Coating Inspection, Reading Drawings
LaBarge Inc
Tulsa, OK
Jun 2011 to Jun 2011
Assembler/Cable Prep/Soldering

Feb 2004 to Jul 2010
Soldering as LV3 and LV2 Circuit Board Repair Tech
Willamette Inc

Nov 2000 to Sep 2004
Bobst printing/Die Machine Operator/Forklift driver, Bobsts Asst
Hilti/Closed Machine dept

Nov 2003 to Feb 2004
Machine Operator of DW
L & L Plumbing Enterprises Inc Catoosa Okla

Jan 1995 to Nov 2000
Secretary/Treasurer/Notary, Quick Books Pro, billing, payroll
Cleveland High School, TJC, and Sand Springs Beauty College
1980 to 2012
Self Taught years of knowledge, just need a job to use it in computers, business math, cosmetology, which includes coverage on electrical devices used, carpentry on job at Sear store remodel use of blueprints and sprec to follow, use of hand tools, read blue print for ex husband Plumbing company and assisted in Bids on Walmart Job, and home etc...Sectretary billing and payroll- used hand tools jack hammer back hoe, ran copper water line and solder joints, further solder training and JDtandered certified on circuit boards, over haulled engine at 15yrs of age, not afraid of new or getting dirty, worked as carpenter and oil changer while putting myself through beauty college, like challenges and work well with others and not afraid to ask questions when needed. knowledge of concrete, rebar and cold joints for proper repair... I have a my foot in a lot of areas in my life, inclluding raising veggies to sale to local stores and talked my first boss into hiring me so I could purchase my first car at 15.
Reading blue prints/specs, hand tool, tools in general, quality inspector

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