Youre not going to see a lot of changes at state parks, Caryl Hart, Sonoma Countys regional parks director and a former state parks commissioner, said Friday. At the end of the day, we need to continue to look for sustainable funding for state parks.
Date: Jan 09, 2015
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Ruth Coleman, California parks director, resigns amid budget irregularities
Officials in Sonoma County pulled a $17 million parks funding measure planned for the county ballot in November. "I don't see how we can go forward," Caryl Hart, Sonoma County's regional parks director, told the Santa Rosa Press Democrat.
"I don't think you can ask taxpayers to vote on a tax for parks under these circumstances. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure that out," said Caryl Hart, parks director for Sonoma County, which on July 1 took over Annadel State Park to save it from closure. "Now, in addition to a financial cr
Date: Jul 20, 2012
Source: Google
Caryl Hart reading from 'Don't dip your chips...
Norfolk Libraries Children's Older Book Award Celebration Recorded on ...
People & Blogs
16 Feb, 2011
1m 12s
Legenday Grateful Dead Drummer Mickey Hart En...
Grateful Dead drummer and long-time state park supporter Mickey Hart r...
News & Politics
28 Oct, 2010
FULLER YEARS, part 24 by vanderKOK (FULLER-CR...
[QUICK FIND] WHERE do you go in your LEISURE TIME :05 (Feldmeth goes b...