Washtenaw Intermediate School District - Ann Arbor, MI since Sep 2011
Technical Assistant - Medicaid
SE since Aug 2007
Freelance Tutor
Washtenaw ISD/Phoenix Services Oct 2009 - Sep 2011
Techncal Assistant
Summers-Knoll School Aug 2006 - Jun 2007
LS Office Manager
Summers-Knoll School Jun 2005 - Aug 2006
Summer Camp Teacher
University of Michigan
Bachelor of Arts, Linguistics
Washtenaw Community College
-, accounting
Research Analysis Public Speaking Training Data Analysis Html Editing Programming Javascript C# Technical Writing Java C++ Databases Technical Support Statistics Tutoring Python .Net Asp.net Asp.net Mvc Proofreading Object Oriented Modeling Leadership Document Management Artificial Intelligence Lisp Software Development Angular Js Node Js
Geek of many things such as board and card games (including train games), game conventions, yoga, pilates, walking and running, cooking, science fiction, reading, languages, roleplaying games, parenti...
Geek mom: two kids, too many interests, too little time
Cheryl Cole - Fight For This Love (Official V...
----------------... The brand new video from Cheryl Cole for her sing...
3m 50s
Cheryl legjobb napja [feliratos]
Cheryl Clashes With Contestant | X Factor Glo...
Cheryl Clashes With Contestant. Hold on to your hats guys, someones ab...
5m 18s
Fur Elise performed by Cheryl (5 years old)
Date: 5/17/2009 Venue: Home.
2m 56s
Dimash Kudaibergen - His Voise is So Emotiona...
Dimash London The reaction of the judges to the performance - show X F...
5m 31s
Janam Janam Dilwale | Shah Rukh Khan | Kajol...
Some love stories never end They transcend time and last longer than j...