2101 Constitution Ave northwest, Washington, DC 20418
Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences since Jul 2002
Senior Media Relations Officer
American Society for Microbiology 1999 - 2001
Communications Manager, Science Writer & Web Site Manager
Matthews Media Group Inc. Jan 1998 - Dec 1998
Account Executive
North Carolina Biotechnology Center May 1994 - Oct 1997
Public Affairs Specialist; Editor, BT Catalyst newsletter
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1992 - 1994
M.A., English LiteratureServed as assistant editor and writer for Endeavors, a magazine covering the university's myriad research efforts.
University of Alabama 1988 - 1992
B.A., English Literature
Media Relations Strategic Communications Press Releases Editing Public Relations Corporate Communications Newsletters Healthcare Research Publications Public Speaking Strategic Planning Nonprofit Organizations Community Outreach Writing Marketing Blogging Copy Editing Policy
Media Relations Officer At Institute Of Medicine, National Academy Of Sciences
Institute spokeswoman Christine Stencel on Wednesday said even short studies can take two to three years to complete but added, Were expecting a lot more results this year, and even more the year after that.
million in general-fund taxes and about $500 million in insurance plan taxes and Medicare taxes annually, the institute intends to distribute more than $3 billion in research funds by 2019. It so far has awarded $159.3 million to 126 research projects in 33 states, said spokeswoman Christine Stencel.