Columbia University - Graduate School of Journalism 1997 - 1998
Master of Science, Masters, Journalism
University of California, Berkeley 1993 - 1997
Masters, Master of Arts, English Literature
Journalism Publishing Editorial Magazines Content Strategy Editing Online Journalism Storytelling Media Relations Web Content Press Releases Feature Articles Blogging Copy Editing Ap Style News Writing Social Media Content Management Newspapers Business Journalism Publications Online Publishing Content Development Corporate Communications Digital Media Breaking News
The assumption, by policy makers like President Obama, is that the country can cut carbon emissions by closing coal plants, while making up for the lost electricity by burning more natural gas and building more solar and wind, wrote Forbes journalist Christopher Helman.
Date: Apr 16, 2015
Category: U.S.
Source: Google
Inside The 2015 Forbes Billionaires List: Facts And Figures
WTI fell $5 to $90, while Brent tumbled $6 to $107, as my colleague Christopher Helman had reported. With oil prices surging since mid-June, as commodities and risk asset in general surged in anticipation of Bernankes QE3 and Draghis bond purchase program, the Obama Administration is still concer
Date: Sep 18, 2012
Category: Business
Source: Google
Five Am Law Firms Advise as ConocoPhillips Sells $2 Billion in Pipeline Stakes
ipton, Rosen & Katz advising, as The Am Law Daily reported at the time. Forbes's Christopher Helman reported then that the move continued a two-year restructuring plan that had already see the ConocoPhillips raise more than $10 billion by shedding stakes in Canadian oil sands and Russias Lukoil.
Date: Nov 18, 2011
Category: Business
Source: Google
The Oil and the Glory: Hot under the collar in the shale gas boom
released anexplanatory letter it had written to Urbina in advance of publication. Overat Forbes, Christopher Helman, callingUrbina's reporting "absurd on its face," posed the question, "Woulddrillers be investing billions a year in new wells if they weren't getting somereturn out of it?" (Answer: yes.
Date: Jun 29, 2011
Category: Business
Source: Google
What happens if a Japan-sized earthquake hits California?
rthquake, and Diablo Canyon, which is near several major fault lines, a 7.5 temblor. Of course, it wasn't the 9.0 stunner that destroyed Fukushima, says Christopher Helman at Forbes. It was "the lack of adequate tsunami-proof back up power generation," and both California plants are right on the ocean.