Ea Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc.
Geologist Iii
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Mar 1999 - Nov 2003
Program Manager
Coranco Great Plains 1993 - 1999
University of Nebraska - Lincoln 1978 - 1990
Bachelors, Bachelor of Arts, Geology
Groundwater Soil Water Hydrogeology Environmental Consulting Groundwater Remediation Sampling Remediation Geology Environmental Awareness Soil Sampling Water Quality Cercla Rcra Geotechnical Engineering Drilling Environmental Remediation Field Work Waste Management Environmental Microsoft Office Excel Hazwoper Environmental Geology Groundwater Contamination Engineering Geology Water Sampling Site Characterization Monitored Natural Attenuation Soil Vapor Extraction Chlorinated Solvents Vocs Vapor Intrusion Monitoring Well Installation
Scouting Camping Rock and Mineral Hunting Hunting Fishing
Well Driller/Pump Installer Grade Iv Water Operator Class I Industrial Waste Operator License 39457 License 4029 License 2752 Nebraska, License 39457 Nebraska, License 4029 Nebraska Deparment of Environmental Quality, License 2752
Geologist Ii At Ea Engineering, Science, And Technology, Inc.