3M Health Care
Supply Chain and Packaging Operations Specialist, Materials Resource Division
3M Health Care Jul 1991 - Aug 1997
Packaging Engineer, Corporate Package Engineering
Ecolab May 1988 - Jul 1991
Senior Packaging Engineer, Corporate Packaging Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Stout Aug 1985 - May 1987
Resident Advisor
Banta Corporation Jun 1986 - Aug 1986
Intern, Graphic Arts Management
University of Wisconsin - Stout 1984 - 1988
Bachelors, Bachelor of Science, Engineering
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southeastern counties in the 1990s. But the tick has spread northward, bringing disease-causing bacteria with it. Now, in newly infested areas, says David Neitzel, of the Minnesota Department of Healths vector-borne disease unit, We havent been able to find any clean ticks. Theyre all infected. Minnes
Date: Aug 06, 2018
Category: Headlines
Source: Google
Lyme Disease Is Spreading, And It's Partly This Mouse's Fault
ighway 2, which slices across Minnesota from the Red River to Lake Superior and used to act as a rough dividing line between the stomping grounds of the white-footed mouse and its nearly indistinguishable cousin, the deer mouse, said David Neitzel, supervisor of the Vectorborne Diseases Unit at the
At the Minnesota Department of Health, epidemiologist David Neitzel is tracking the expansion of the blacklegged tick across the state, trying to pinpoint the high-risk areas for tickborne disease transmission across the state.
Date: May 30, 2017
Category: Health
Source: Google
MDH: 57 Cases Of Zika Virus In Minnesota This Year
The most important thing is to keep Zika virus away from the developing fetus, whether by not traveling or by using condoms or avoiding sex during pregnancy if your partner has traveled, said MDH mosquito disease specialist David Neitzel.
Health Department epidemiologist David Neitzel said the exposure season runs through mid-September, so its too early to know for sure if the late spring and cool periods this summer slowed the virus spread.
July and August are considered the high risk months for West Nile virus, which can be life-threatening, said David Neitzel, a health department epidemiologist specializing in diseases carried by mosquitoes. The state's seen 535 cases, including 16 fatalities, since the virus was first found in Minne
"It's possible that the decline may be due in part to more people taking steps to prevent tick bites," said David Neitzel, tick-borne disease specialist with theMDH, "but it's much more likely that extremely dry weather conditions last year were the main reason for reduced disease numbers."
David Neitzel, an MDH epidemiologist specializing in diseases carried by mosquitoes, said that the highest risk for WNV is expected from mid-summer through early autumn. Sporadic early-season cases can occur, such as this first 2012 case, Neitzel said. However, the species of mosquito that transm