Property Management Leases Real Estate Development Real Estate Commercial Real Estate Residential Homes Investment Properties Real Estate Economics
golf, running, boating, educational enrichment
Honor & Awards:
Key Bank nominee Women's Achievement Award - 2011, NYS Women-Owned Business Enterprise Certification - 2011, NYS Empire State Development Shovel-Ready Certification Award - 2009, Rochester Institue of Technology's Executive Education series - "Creating and Leading Strategice Growth" certificate- 2008, Guest Speaker - Key4Women Conference for Key Bank - 2007, Contribution Award & President's Choice Award - Rochester Home Builder's Association - 2007, Build Now-NY Site Award - Multi Tenant Business and Technology Park - 2003, Leadership Livingston program graduate
An inside look at Watkins Glen's new 'glampin...
Real-estate developer Dawn Aprile came up with the name for her new ve...
2m 17s
Dawn Turner's memoir 'Three Girls From Bronze...
Journalist Dawn Turner grew up in Chicago's historic Bronzeville neigh...
10m 42s
Vlogmas #13 Not quite the week I had planned!
Hi everyone Welcome back to vlogmas day 13. So good news, Lawrence is ...
7m 2s
Nicky Ricky Dicky & Dawn Cast Then and Now 20...
Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn is an American comedy television series air...
2m 48s
April Weather - Topic
Provided to YouTube by Ditto Music Dawn April Weather Dawn April Wea...
1m 37s
what's new in the world? ASMR News 1 hour whi...
Let's see what's new in the world as chat about the latest news in my ...