The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy - Washington DC
International Classification:
G06F 1550
US Classification:
A flying target control system for directing a flying target along a radio eam heading toward a ship under simulated attack according to a preselected altitude and speed profile. The control system utilizes a TACAN transceiver which receives TACAN signals emitted from the ship under simulated attack. The TACAN transceiver produces an azimuth signal to steer the target via an automatic pilot toward the ship under simulated attack and a range signal which is used to address a profile storage device. The profile storage device produces altitude profile control signals and speed profile control signals according to the range of the target from the ship which are fed into the automatic pilot to guide the target along its preselected altitude and speed profile.
Dean Blatchford's 90th birthda
Steve gives a toast.
7m 32s
Deans Lecture Series 2016 #1: Peter Blatchford
Maximising the Impact of Teaching Assistants: Lessons from the UK Melb...
44m 52s
Blatchford: Sad, mournful Dean Del Mastro tes...
Christie Blatchford sums up day 22 of the Mike Duffy trial in Ottawa o...
2m 29s
DBS W @Scottrades @MaOnTheAir @LochlinCross @...
Hello, WEDNESDAY! @scottrades from the #HotWalletPod is back to bring ...
Christie Blatchford on her time spent embedde...
In December 2007, journalist and author Christie Blatchford spoke with...
18m 45s
Blatchford: How does Duffy justify Senate pay...
In December 2010, Mike Duffy made what he claimed as a business trip, ...