Dennis DeMaio's Public Profile on Plaxo. Plaxo helps members like Dennis DeMaio keep in touch with the people who really matter, helping them to connect, keep each other's contact data up-to-date, ...
Dennis Demaio 1963 graduate of J. Sterling Morton East High School in Cicero, IL is on See pictures, plan your class reunion and get caught up with Dennis and other high school alumni
Charles Daff (1966-1970), Alan Searls (1966-1970), Dennis Demaio (1966-1970), Jeff Woods (1986-1990), Kathryn Andronikou (1990-1994), Tanya Mendoza (1995-1999)
Dennis Demaio (1959-1963), Maria Nino (1975-1979), Louise Healy (1968-1972), Steven Parise (1973-1977), Joseph Ramos (1986-1988), Nancy Zacarias (1999-2003)