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Diane Elsmore's Public Profile on Plaxo. Plaxo helps members like Diane Elsmore keep in touch with the people who really matter, helping them to connect, ...
Diane Elsmore
Novato, CA
Novato Unified School District - Teacher
University of California, Davis
Diane Elsmore's Master's Degree Ceremony & Ce...
Diane Elsmore earns her master's degree in education from San Francisc...
2m 32s
FirstChick 5 15 20 3 21pm
This is footage of our first chick hatching!
7m 33s
PLAYING at the WATERPARK Splash pad | Llyods ...
Daphne and Nathalia are having fun playing at the waterpark splash pad...
2m 19s
Chicks Sleeping And Waking 720P 3
Watch our 19 sweet chicks sleeping and waking....and dozing and waking.
3m 9s
Amanda & Diane's 'Knit-A-Long' | Good Day on ...
Amanda and Diane discuss holiday knitting and how original crafts can ...
7m 4s
It Took 20 Years to Get Here | Day 22
How do you get what you want in life? Join me as I check off something...