A painting stand for vehicle parts includes a base frame supported by a plurality of casters together with a vertically supported post. A post extension is telescopically supported within the vertical post and is adjustable in its elevation. The upper end of the post extension is coupled to a pivotal support which in turn supports an arm and an elongated handle. The arm is joined to a pair of spaced apart generally parallel cross members. A pair of angularly disposed wings having curved lower ends are joined to the cross members and support respective elongated attachment bars extending between the curved lower ends and the uppermost cross member. Each attachment bar defines a plurality of apertures which facilitate securing various automotive or other vehicle body parts and components to the support rack formed by the cross members and angled wings.
A sanding block includes a generally rectangular base housing upon which a multiply contoured generally convex hand grip is secured. The hand grip further defines inwardly extending concave portions which facilitate easy and secure grip by the user. An over-center lever clamp mechanism is operative at each end of the sanding block to secure the opposed ends of a sandpaper sheet in a releasable attachment.
A painting stand for supporting vehicle body panels during the painting operation includes a base moveable upon a plurality of rolling casters and having a vertically extending upright member which in turn supports a generally T-shaped member. The T-shaped member is pivotally joined to the upper end of the vertical upright member and includes a plurality of horizontally disposed telescoping sliders and attachment arms. The upwardly extending portion of the T-shaped member includes a moveable sleeve supporting a further attachment arm. The attachment arms engage the vehicle body panel.
A painting stand for vehicle parts includes a base frame supported by a plurality of casters together with a vertically supported post. A post extension is telescopically supported within the vertical post and is adjustable in its elevation. The upper end of the post extension is coupled to a pivotal support which in turn supports an arm and an elongated handle. The arm is joined to a pair of spaced apart generally parallel cross members. A pair of angularly disposed wings having curved lower ends are joined to the cross members and support respective elongated attachment bars extending between the curved lower ends and the uppermost cross member. Each attachment bar defines a plurality of apertures which facilitate securing various automotive or other vehicle body parts and components to the support rack formed by the cross members and angled wings.
Isbn (Books And Publications)
Teaching Adolescents With Learning Disabilities: Strategies and Methods