An overhang falsework for supporting a debris shield on an outward side of an I-beam used in an overhead frame structure comprises an elongated base member extending in a longitudinal direction transverse to the I-beam between an inner end and an outer end wherein said outer end is on the outward side of the I-beam. The falsework further includes a clamp connected to the member between the inner and outer ends for selectively securing the falsework to the I-beam in an installed condition on the I-beam. The base member has a multi-component construction including a metal component extending between the inner and outer ends and a non-metal or wooden component extending at least partially between the inner and outer ends which is secured to the metal component. The non-metal or wooden layer provides a medium for nailing or screwing a horizontal panel portion or base sheet of the debris shield to the falsework, and the metal layer provides support. The falsework further includes an upwardly extending member that is selectively interengageable with the base member.
An overhang falsework for supporting a debris shield on an outward side of an I-beam used in an overhead frame structure comprises an elongated base member extending in a longitudinal direction transverse to the I-beam between an inner end and an outer end wherein said outer end is on the outward side of the I-beam. The falsework further includes a clamp connected to the member between the inner and outer ends for selectively securing the falsework to the I-beam in an installed condition on the I-beam. The base member has a multi-component construction including a metal component extending between the inner and outer ends and a non-metal or wooden component extending at least partially between the inner and outer ends which is secured to the metal component. The non-metal or wooden layer provides a medium for nailing or screwing a horizontal panel portion or base sheet of the debris shield to the falsework, and the metal layer provides support. The falsework further includes an upwardly extending member that is selectively interengageable with the base member.
Douglas Hartz
Douglas Hartz
Douglas Hartz
ANGIE Hartz IV umbenannt (Sir Douglas Quintet...
KCV IV - gelebte Demokratie: Vor den Huren sind alle gleich!
People & Blogs
15 Nov, 2010
3m 52s
CDU-Mann Frank Steffel: "Bildungsgutsche... ...
Harte Worte von CDU-Mann Frank Steffel: Hartz-IV-Eltern htten kein Int...
News & Politics
20 Apr, 2011
2m 42s
Sequoia Labs: Lessons in Leadership from Juli...
"Values do actually matter. If you're an entrepreneur who's creating a...
14m 25s
#HighPotentialHo... | Dale Hartz | TEDxAkron
Think of someone you know that has high potential. Now think of someon...
9m 21s
Best of Susanne vs. Kse | Hilfe - Ich bin kse...
Hausfrau und Mutter Susanne lebt mit ihrem 9-jhrigen Sohn Douglas in B...
11m 44s
Encountering Ramana: Louis Hartz
Louis Hartz heard about Ramana during World War 2 while in an internme...
11m 29s
Episode 8: "Splitting" and Identity Politics ...
In this episode of Heterodox Out Loud, we meet Amanda, a 20-year-old W...
16m 20s
Renaud Visage Kevin and Julia Hartz (Eventbri...
For the first time in London and for the first time in the last two ye...
Douglas Hartz 1980 graduate of East High School in Anchorage, AK is on See pictures, plan your class reunion and get caught up with Douglas ...