Steak N'shake
Mcmurphy's Grill Jun 1997 - Nov 1998
Downtown St Louis
Mers / Goodwill 1997 - 1998
Southwest High School 1997 - 1999
Gateway Institute of Technology 1994 - 1996
Edward Long Middle School 1993 - 1994
Galladuet School For the Deaf 1991 - 1992
Judevine Center For Autism 1981 - 1991
Judevine Center For Autism - Rott School
Edward H. Long Middle School
Gateway Stem High School
Roosevelt High School
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Watching Kristen Cornett on Television Watching the News and Weather
Southwest High School, Gateway Institute Of Technology - Special Education
I was born in St. Louis back in January 12th, 1978, Now lives in Florissant, MO, Started my career at Judevine Center for autism in 1981, Went to Gateway Institute Of Technology in 1994, also went to ...
Bragging Rights:
Went to High School and i got a job at Steak N'Shake
I Was born in St. Louis in January 12th, 1978, Now i live in Florissant, MO, I attend staying in Florissant for a long time, I Started my career in 1981, at Judevine, i graduated there in 1991, Then ...
Florissant, MODishwasher at Steak N'Shake i was born in st. louis in January 12th, 1978, Now I Live in florissant, mo, I Like Riding Metrobus & MetroLink, I Have a job that i work for 10 years that is... i was born in st. louis in January 12th, 1978, Now I Live in florissant, mo, I Like Riding Metrobus & MetroLink, I Have a job that i work for 10 years that is Steak N'Shake, Watching the News & Watching Meteorologist Kristen Cornett on TV, and i like watching doing execrise.