A method and apparatus for the continuous production of flexible open cell polyurethane foam, where a process air stream is drawn through the interior of the foam material after it has completed its rise to thereby accelerate the cooling of the foam material. The process air stream contains vaporized constituents which are removed by the steps of: (a) collecting the air stream from the foam material; (b) passing the air stream into an adsorption expansion chamber having a cross-sectional area adapted to reduce the flow rate of the air stream; (c) passing the air stream into an adsorption chamber; (d) passing the air stream through at least one activated carbon char filter bed located in the chamber at a flow rate that is adapted to provide sufficient residence time for the removal of the vaporized constituents drawn from the foam material; and (e) discharging the treated air stream into the atmosphere.
Investor Inquiries - The Truth About "No and ...
Welcome to another episode of Investor Inquiries. On the show today is...
46m 10s
Edwin Turner, " Improbable Life: An Unappeali...
Edwin L. Turner Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton Univer...
1h 14m 19s
Young Professional of the Year: Edwin Berends
Meet Edwin Berends, the DSM nominee to become the 2012 Young Professio...
2m 20s
Huub Stapel, Simon Reinink en Rosanne Philipp...
De Nederlandse cultuursector heeft het zwaar: podia en theatergezelsch...
12m 39s
Octopus schoolkoor medley
Basisschool de Octopus Annette Riemersma (dirigent) Producent : Ronnie...
6m 34s
Octopus schoolkoor zingt voor Andr Kuipers
Annette Riemersma (dirigent) Arie Koning (tekstschrijver Producent : R...