CompTIA Security+ (Certified), CompTIA Network+ (Certified), Advanced Communications Signals Analysis, Intermediate Communications Signals Analysis, Communications Signals Collection & Processing, Intermediate PROFORMA Analysis Workshop, Electronic and Computer Systems Exploitation, Information Operations, Information Warfare, Electronic Warfare, Electronic Intelligence, Target identification, Unix/Linux/Solaris OSs, Windows XP/NT/2000/2003/Vista/7 OSs, Advanced Network Protocol Analysis, Advanced Multiplexing Analysis, ITU MODEMS, Computer Network Operations (CNO), BLACKMAGIC, MARTES, XMIDAS, FLEXMUX, PACKETSWING (Protocol Analysis Tool), Knowledge of Security+, Knowledge of Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Knowledge of Wireshark, Knowledge of SANS SiFT, Knowledge of Volatility, Knowledge of Python Scripting, Knowledge of Backtrack/Kali, UNIX programming, UNIX C Shell, WVT/DVT (Waveform/Bit Analysis Tool), Advanced Bitstream Analysis, Communications Identification Methodology, DoD Information Assurance Awareness, Intelligence Oversight, Fundamentals of Systems Acquisitions