Phil Lawhorn, Rexiene Reynolds, Nadine Salinas, Patty Hoagland, Michael Clayton, Sandra Zarski, Mae Brandenburg, Suzanne Hodgson, Marcia Tomlins, Granville King
[ - *Glitter Words*] You are loving, compassionate, and ruled by your feelings. You are able to be a foundation for other people... but you still know how ...
Faith Marie's official profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates.
Faith Marie
The Walt Disney Company - New television show actress Disney Channel - New movie actress Civic Theather - ACTRESS
Juilliard School - The Arts
You just can't trust anyone. My walls are high, and they're stronger than ever. Don't even think about getting in. You'll just get the both of us hurt.
Bragging Rights:
Saw One Direction 3 times, Touched Niall twice, got noticed by harry twice, 5/5 waved at me, met little mix, got hit with ed sheeran's sweat, saw taylor swift, ed sheeran, an d austin mahone live okay bye
Faith Marie
Wheeler School
Faith Marie
I love playing with my pets, Jenna & Stoli
I like french fries.
Bragging Rights:
I have nothing to brag about xP
Faith Marie
::faith marie:: i n d e p e n d e n t I have a beautiful daughter who i(we) welcomed into this crazy world of ours on August 8, 2012 Ariana Skye Condon'Nelson'