MéxicoPast: Executive Manager for Commercial Processes at Walmart Bank, Project Manager (Personal... With a client-centered mindset, designs, implements and manages areas, processes, products, structures and concepts to offer the highest value to shareholders... With a client-centered mindset, designs, implements and manages areas, processes, products, structures and concepts to offer the highest value to shareholders trough customer satisfaction and service perception!
MéxicoProcess Analysis Executive Manager at Banco Wal Ma... Past: Project Manager at HSBC México, Comptroller Advisor at Banco Nacional de México (Citi... I love life, nature, people and animals. I think everyting in the Universe is good, evil only comes from humans!
Francisco Caloca's Public Profile on Plaxo. Plaxo helps members like Francisco Caloca keep in touch with the people who really matter, helping them to connect, keep each other's ...
MOVIE 0813
Colibr Berilo (Amazilia beryllina)
MOVIE 0909
Trabajo en la conformacin de nido de Carpintero Mexicano " Dryobates s...
24 de septiembre de 2021
MOVIE 0828 01
Aguila y colibri.
El Corrido de Caloca
Provided to YouTube by CDBaby El Corrido de Caloca Del Norte El Corri...