Nova Casualty Company v. Marciana Willis, Etc., et al. Opinion affirmed judgment establishing insurance coverage for landscaping company under CGL policy for multi-million dollar claim June 30, 2010 Joseph Sullivan, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Sammy Sullivan v. Mark David Kanarek, MD and Nadal Pediatrics, PA Reversal of final judgment for Defendant doctors in death of 23 month old and remand for new trial May 21, 2010 Lee Memorial Health System, f/k/a Hospital Board of Directors of Lee County d/b/a Lee Memorial Health System d/b/a Lee Memorial Hospital v. Mark Edwards a/k/a Mark Edwards-Fargotstein, and Mitzi Edwards a/k/a Mitzi Edwards-Fargotstein, Individually and as Parents and Natural Guardians of Aaron Edwards a/k/a Aaron Edwards-Fargotstein, a minor $30,818,000 judgment affirmed University of South Florida Board of Trustees v. Daniel and Amara Estrada, Individually and as Parents and Natural Guardians of their minor and dependent child, Caleb Estrada $23,500,000 judgment affirmed Walgreens Co.; Elizabeth Partlow, et al., v. Deane Hippely, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Beth Hippely, deceased, et al., $33,313,968 judgment affirmed.