Robert Magnusson - Storrs Mansfield CT, US Theresa Maldonado - College Station TX, US Purnomo Priambodo - Arlington TX, US Ming Zhou - Arlington TX, US Georgeanne Purvinis - Worthington OH, US Martin Pomerantz - Dallas TX, US
International Classification:
US Classification:
385037000, 385122000
Nonlinear optical filters and associated methods. In a representative embodiment, a nonlinear optical filter includes a grating and a dye-doped polymer layer coupled to the grating. The dye-doped polymer layer may include ionic self-assembled layers. An associated method includes: providing a nonlinear filter comprising a grating and a dye-doped polymer layer coupled to the grating, directing an input broadband optical wave upon the filter, and backward diffracting the broadband optical wave from the grating as an output narrowband optical wave. The output narrowband optical wave may include a second harmonic beam.
Trying to find Georgeanne Purvinis 52? We'll search over 700M profiles for you and show you results instantly. Plus we'll help you stay connected, with all your ...
Capacitors and Inductors --DC.
44m 48s
KCC Engineering drone flights #1
First flights of our KCC Engineering Phantom 4 sUAS . Mahalepu and Shi...
11m 39s
sinusoidal steady state.
38m 24s
Ch1 lecture covering the basics: units, charge, current, voltage, powe...
47m 30s
RLC circuits introduction. Using only phasor notation.
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