Dan A Lott MD PC 700 Riverside Ave, Waycross, GA 31501 (912)2854869 (phone), (912)2859770 (fax)
Mckinney Medical Center 218 Quarterman St, Waycross, GA 31501 (912)2879140 (phone), (912)2871059 (fax)
Ms. Roberts works in Waycross, GA and 1 other location and specializes in Family Medicine and Obstetrics & Gynecology. Ms. Roberts is affiliated with Bacon County Hospital and Mayo Clinic Health System In Waycross.
Wikipedia References
Hannah Roberts
Academic degree:
Skills & Activities:
They are well known as Simon's music is often played on the BBC..
19-Year-Old Hannah Roberts Won Olympic Medal ...
19-year-old Hannah Roberts just won a silver medal at the 2021 Tokyo S...
8m 5s
Miss America 2016 - Miss Mississippi Hannah R...
Miss America 2016, the 89th Miss America pageant, was held at the Boar...
2m 17s
Hannah Roberts | 1st place - UCI BMX Freestyl...
Doing it for the red, white and blue! Hannah Roberts didn't come to pl...
1m 11s
The runner's low - depression & the badwater ...
Hannah grew up mostly in southern Delaware and attended the United Sta...
16m 20s
Hannah Roberts, BMX rider, flips into history...
Two-time BMX Freestyle world champion Hannah Roberts and her coach Rya...
3m 40s
Hannah Roberts - 2022 UCI WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS...
Hannah Robert's final run at the 2022 UCI World Championships in Abu D...
Dr. Hannah Roberts, a clinical psychologist and Assistant Director of Cal Poly Counseling, says it's called "election stress," which is when people have increased levels of stress around election time, particularly around the topics of the election. Shesays the reason is ambiguous but there areman
Date: Nov 03, 2016
Category: Health
Source: Google
Miss Georgia Betty Cantrell is Crowned Miss America 2016
The 1st runner-up was Miss Mississippi, Hannah Roberts, who earned a $25,000 scholarship. Her talent was classical violin. The 2nd runner-up was Miss Colorado, Kelley Johnson, who performed an original monologue and won a $20,000 scholarship.
Date: Sep 14, 2015
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
Nigeria: Claims of political interference in presidential poll
Generally, the voting process may be characterised as disordered and prolonged. Although polling procedures were insufficiently followed, the EU observation mission saw no evidence of systematic manipulations, said Hannah Roberts, EU Deputy Chief Observer.
Date: Mar 30, 2015
Category: World
Source: Google
HIV Becoming Less Potent to Cause AIDS but Still Deadly: Study
The Press-Register reports that Danielle DuBose of Alabama was first runner-up and Hannah Roberts of Mississippi was second runner-up in the competition formerly known as America's Junior Miss. The announcement was made Saturday night at the Mobile Civic Center Theater.