Hey Everyone, if you are in my cirlces, you obviously know who I am :D I have two gorgeous little girls, Lila Noel 3 1/2 yrs. old and Gabriella Elizabeth 1 year 4 months old :D <3 <3 I am marrie...
Life is what You Make It
Bragging Rights:
I'm alive :D
Heather Dodd
Heather Dodd
Heather Dodd
Heather Dodd
Heather Dodd
Heather Dodd
Heather Dodd
Does Heather Dubrow Regret Calling Kelly Dodd...
Heather Dubrow says whether she regrets any of her past behavior on pr...
Longview Elementary School Punxsutawney PA 1981-1984, North Street Elementary School Brockway PA 1984-1990, Punxsutawney Area Middle School Punxsutawney PA 1990-1993, Brockway Area High School Brockway PA 1991-1995, Punxsutawney Area High School Punxsutawney PA 1992-1993, DuBois Area High School Du Bois PA 1994-2004
Cj Rawson, Virginia Hicks, Stacey Schepis, Lion Lahaie, Jeanna Lattimer, Brent Heitzenrater