Edward Potter - Beaverton OR Irving W. Potter - Beaverton OR Robert M. Smyth - Lake Oswego OR
Dant & Russell, Inc. - Portland OR
International Classification:
B29J 500
US Classification:
A process for making a particle board of substantial continuous thickness utilizing any of a wide assortment of comminuted lignocellulosic materials. The particle board is prepared by mixing dried lignocellulosic particles with one or more thermosetting or thermoplastic adhesive binders in predetermined proportions, and placing a measured amount of the resultant mixture in an elongate mold where it is bonded together under the influence of pressure and heat. The mold includes a movable pressure plate forming the top of an enclosure within which the material is compressed to a predetermined thickness by pressure applied to the exterior of the plate. The thickness of the compressed mixture is substantial, so as to enable the production of particle board pieces having sufficient continuous solid thickness that they may be used for such applications as dimension lumber or railroad ties, or may be sawed into multiple thinner pieces for other applications such as siding. After the mixture in the mold has been compressed to the predetermined thickness, fasteners are attached for retaining the pressure plate in its compressed position. Thereafter the mold is taken from the press and transferred to an oven where its contents, still under pressure from the retained pressure plate, are baked or cured for an extended period of time and then allowed to cool, after which the pressure plate is removed from the mold permitting the removal of the resultant bonded particle board product.