What if I told you your eyesight could IMPROVE with age? In this episo...
1h 13m 39s
Kaitlin: -2.25 Diopters, Now NO MORE GLASSES ...
Update Sept 2022: Going forward new episodes won't be available to the...
28m 6s
How Fast Can You Improve Your Eyesight? (With...
The Jake Origin Story: I grew up with glasses, 5.00 diopter high myopi...
9m 30s
Active Focus (animated) | Endmyopia | Jake St...
Reducing lens diopters? Don't try any of this at home. This is all hig...
3m 1s
How I Improved My Eyesight Naturally | Endmyo...
Reducing lens diopters? Don't try any of this at home. This is all hig...
2m 10s
Astigmatism: Exercises / Treatment | Daily Be...
The Jake Origin Story: I grew up with glasses, 5.00 diopter high myopi...
6m 3s
Jake Steiner
I am a father to 3 little men and a husband to a wife I love more than any thing the universe. FAMILY FIRST!!! I'd talk about my job but... I also had a little stint as a singer round these parts.