Jan Erickson's Public Profile on Plaxo. Plaxo helps members like Jan Erickson keep in touch with the people who really matter, helping them to connect, keep
Hi, mein Name ist Jan, ich lebe in Linz (Oberösterreich), ich mag Sport (von Fußball bis Skaten alles mögliche) und einfach alles was sonst noch Spaß macht.
Bragging Rights:
Bin auf einem kath. Gymnasium, lebe im Heim, reise gern usw.
Santa Rita Elementary School Los Altos CA 1957-1963, San Antonio Intermediate School Los Altos CA 1963-1964, Egan Intermediate School Los Altos CA 1964-1965
Roy Elementary School Roy UT 1952-1954, Quincy Elementary School Ogden UT 1954-1955, Clinton Elementary School Clinton UT 1955-1959, North Davis Junior High School Clearfield UT 1959-1961
Gerald Olsen, Val Youngberg, Ilene Arave, Billy Robins
Breast Implant Safety Questioned: Patient Follow-Up Falls Short
Jan Erickson, of the NationalOrganization for Women Foundation said, Its unacceptable that many patientsMentor and Allergan were supposed to track were lost. She then added, Mentorsapproval should be rescinded right away, and Allergan should be required toconduct further
Date: Sep 01, 2011
Category: Health
Source: Google
Are silicone breast implants dangerous? What FDA says now
"It's unacceptable that many patients Mentor and Allergan were supposed to track were lost," Jan Erickson, spokesperson for the National Organization for Women Foundation, told Reuters. "Mentor's approval should be rescinded right away. And Allergan should be required to conduct further studies."