Been writing since I was little, playing the piano and drawing (but not so much anymore). I teach myself programming languages, make web pages for fun, and want to go to school for Computer Security.F...
Imagination Broker
Bragging Rights:
Wrote a 50k word novel in 14 days (first draft, no planning). Actually turned out reasonably well. Learned PHP and MySQL and used it to make a decent web game. Still in progress.
Jason Macfarlane
Jason Macfarlane
Jason Macfarlane
Jason Macfarlane
Brendan MacFarlane Precious Lord mp4
Brendan MacFarlane's love of country music dates all the way back to w...
2m 5s
What Moves Jason MacFarlane
We asked Jason to express himself, and here's what we got.
Seth MacFarlane performs his Family Guy voice...
Graham Norton presents a show on the people, trends and stories that i...
6m 26s
Bring it on home to me (cover by Brendan MacF...
A video of some kid with an amazing voice singing a song by Sam Cooke....
2m 38s
Seth MacFarlane Monologue: The Voices - Satur...
Seth MacFarlane has a hard time fighting the familiar voices that are ...
5m 41s
Piano Music: Everywhere I Go by Jason Macfarl...
IMPORTANT: I am not creator/owner of audio and wallpaper you see in th...
James Short Memorial Elementary School Calgary Azores 1972-1977, Patrick Airlie Elementary School Calgary Azores 1977-1978, Sir Wilfred Laurier Junior High School Calgary Azores 1978-1981