Wal-Mart DC Monroe, GA 2009 to 2010 QUALITY ASSURANCE MANAGER - SYSTEMS MANAGERWal-Mart DC Monroe, GA 2004 to 2009 QUALITY ASSURANCE SUPERVISORTRANSPORATION ROUTER Monroe, GA 2000 to 2004 In charge of routing all commodities on the weekend shiftWal-Mart Distribution Monroe, GA 2000 to 2000 Receiving Associate
North Georgia College and State University 1992 psychology
Jay McCafferty speaking about his work
UC Irvine was a hotbed of creativity and experimentation in the 1960s ...
1m 42s
Jay McCafferty, Making, Solar Burned Painting...
Jay McCafferty attended Los Angeles State University for his undergrad...
6m 45s
Jay McCafferty, Multiplicity of Centers # 2, ...
This video is about MULTIPLICITY OF CENTERS # 2, 5'X5' Making a Solar ...
9m 38s
Jay McCafferty, Multiplicity Of Centers # 1,...
Making a Solar Burn Painting.
4m 39s
Jay McCafferty
Untitled, Series of 2. (1990) Burned holes and ink on Japanese rice pa...
1m 8s
McCafferty - "Mary Z" (Official Audio)
McCafferty "Mary Z" from the album Yarn out now Stream, Get a copy of ...