
Jed L Dyreng

age ~61

from San Jose, CA

Also known as:
  • Jed Lloyd Dyreng
  • Jed B Dyreng
  • Dyreng Jed
Phone and address:
6452 Standridge Ct, San Jose, CA 95123

Jed Dyreng Phones & Addresses

  • 6452 Standridge Ct, San Jose, CA 95123 • (408)2817167
  • Provo, UT
  • 48 100, Gunnison, UT 84634 • (435)5287546
  • Orem, UT
  • Ephraim, UT
  • 6452 Standridge Ct, San Jose, CA 95123 • (408)9218061


  • Company:
    Apr 2010 to May 2012
  • Position:
    Enterprise storage development field interface


  • Degree:
    Bachelors, Bachelor of Science
  • School / High School:
    Brigham Young University
    1985 to 1989
  • Specialities:
    Computer Engineering




Computer Software

Us Patents

  • Updating Elements In A Data Storage Facility Using A Predefined State Machine, With Serial Activation

    view source
  • US Patent:
    7970798, Jun 28, 2011
  • Filed:
    Apr 9, 2010
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Edward G. Butt - Tucson AZ, US
    Jed L. Dyreng - San Jose CA, US
    Jeffrey E. Ferrier - San Jose CA, US
    Steven D. Johnson - Tucson AZ, US
    David N. Mora - San Jose CA, US
    Tony J. Zhang - San Jose CA, US
  • Assignee:
    International Business Machines Corporation - Armonk NY
  • International Classification:
    G06F 17/30
    G06F 7/00
  • US Classification:
    707803, 707638, 707610
  • Abstract:
    A technique for updating elements in a data storage facility, including a single server or a multi-server system, such as by providing updated internal code packages to the elements. The update is performed using a fixed state machine, where the elements are updated in a coordinated manner within the constraints of the state machine. In a multi-server device, code packages are distributed to elements associated with the different servers in one traversal of the state machine, during distribute states of the state machine. The distributed code packages are activated in activate states of the state machine in multiple traversals of the state machine, so there is a serial activation. The code packages can be grouped in a flexible way by configuring an external update bundle used by the state machine. The distributing of the code is based on the grouping.
  • Updating Elements In A Data Storage Facility Using A Predefined State Machine, With Serial Activation

    view source
  • US Patent:
    8600938, Dec 3, 2013
  • Filed:
    Mar 28, 2011
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Edward G. Butt - Tucson AZ, US
    Jed L. Dyreng - San Jose CA, US
    Jeffrey E. Ferrier - San Jose CA, US
    Steven D. Johnson - Tucson AZ, US
    David N. Mora - San Jose CA, US
    Tony J. Zhang - San Jose CA, US
  • Assignee:
    International Business Machines Corporation - Armonk NY
  • International Classification:
    G06F 17/30
    G06F 7/00
  • US Classification:
    707638, 707610
  • Abstract:
    A technique for updating elements in a data storage facility, including a single server or a multi-server system, such as by providing updated internal code packages to the elements. The update is performed using a fixed state machine, where the elements are updated in a coordinated manner within the constraints of the state machine. In a multi-server device, code packages are distributed to elements associated with the different servers in one traversal of the state machine, during distribute states of the state machine. The distributed code packages are activated in activate states of the state machine in multiple traversals of the state machine, so there is a serial activation. The code packages can be grouped in a flexible way by configuring an external update bundle used by the state machine. The distributing of the code is based on the grouping.
  • Updating Elements In A Data Storage Facility Using A Predefined State Machine, With Serial Activation

    view source
  • US Patent:
    20060106826, May 18, 2006
  • Filed:
    Nov 18, 2004
  • Appl. No.:
  • Inventors:
    Edward Butt - Tucson AZ, US
    Jed Dyreng - San Jose CA, US
    Jeffrey Ferrier - San Jose CA, US
    Steven Johnson - Tucson AZ, US
    David Mora - San Jose CA, US
    Tony Zhang - San Jose CA, US
  • Assignee:
  • International Classification:
    G06F 7/00
  • US Classification:
  • Abstract:
    A technique for updating elements in a data storage facility, including a single server or a multi-server system, such as by providing updated internal code packages to the elements. The update is performed using a fixed state machine, where the elements are updated in a coordinated manner within the constraints of the state machine. In a multi-server device, code packages are distributed to elements associated with the different servers in one traversal of the state machine, during distribute states of the state machine. The distributed code packages are activated in activate states of the state machine in multiple traversals of the state machine, so there is a serial activation. The code packages can be grouped in a flexible way by configuring an external update bundle used by the state machine. The distributing of the code is based on the grouping.


Jed Dyreng Photo 1

Storage Server Release Technical Lead

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493 Bevans Dr, San Jose, CA 95129
Computer Software
Ibm Apr 2010 - May 2012
Enterprise Storage Development Field Interface

Ibm Apr 2010 - May 2012
Storage Server Release Technical Lead

Ibm 2005 - May 2010
Storage Server Development Team Leader at Ibm
Brigham Young University 1985 - 1989
Bachelors, Bachelor of Science, Computer Engineering
Santa Clara University
Master of Science, Masters, Computer Engineering


Jed Dyreng Photo 2

Jed Dyreng


Jed Dyreng Photo 3

Jed Dyreng, Gunnison, UT

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Jed Dyreng 1982 graduate of Gunnison High School in Gunnison, UT

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