Spriggs' first move was to bring a pair of film experts on board. Jim Moye joined the team after making a career for himself as an expert in handling rare film. In industry circles, he is famed for being trusted by the Smithsonian Institute to handle one of the only remaining copies of the film doc
Date: Mar 16, 2017
Category: World
Source: Google
A YouTube playlist like no other: US nuke tests amid the Cold War
Jim Moye, a rare-films expert known for his work on the Zapruder film taken of President John Kennedys assassination, helped Spriggs preserve the footage. About 10 percent of it was in color, but it proved to be too grainy, he said, so most of the images were captured in black and white.
Date: Mar 16, 2017
Category: Entertainment
Source: Google
Capturing Armageddon: Nuke test films digitized in the nick of t - CBS46 News
Jim Moye, a film expert with four decades of experience in the motion picture industry who was brought on to the project, says the films are remarkably well preserved, given that they weren't stored particularly carefully.