John Bencick (1940-1944), Roger Fritsche (1950-1954), Bonnie Erickson (1955-1959), Arldine Frost (1952-1956), Steven Kochan (1980-1984), Jon Burgis (1987-1991)
John Burgis
John Stuart Mill Was a Socialist (ft. Matt Mc...
McManus makes liberals head spin (presumably) with his argument that t...
25m 55s
Charlie Kirk vs. Ben Burgis on Hegel, Karl Ma...
Ben Burgis tells Charlie Kirk why he likes Marx. Charlie claims that M...
3m 21s
Logic (and Economics) for the Left with Ben B...
Ben Burgis is an adjunct Philosophy Professor at Morehouse College. He...
2h 3m 30s
Thursday Night Debate Breakdown: John Searle ...
Victor Bruzzone and Ethan ("Mouthy Infidel") join Ben Burgis to take a...
2h 27m 8s
World Online Piping and Drumming Championship...
John D. Burgis.
2m 27s
Joe Rogan: When Did The Left Go Super WOKE? W...
Joe Rogan & Ben Burgis discuss what happened to the left? Why did it g...
7m 55s
DEBATE NIGHT: Charlie Kirk Vs. Atheist, Marxi...
In a long-form, thought-provokin... third installment of 'Debate Nigh...