Skipping Transfer Taxes Estate Planning Estate and Trust Administration Fiduciary Income Taxes Gift and Generation Nonprofit and Charitable Organizations Premarital and Postnuptial Agreements Probate & Trust Law Tax Law Estates Wills and Trusts
Arizona State University, B.S., 1982; Scottsdale Community College, A.A., 1979
Construction Defects Litigation Insurance Defense Litigation Personal Injury General Litigation Professional Liability Defense Professional Liability Insurance Coverage
Instructor of American Politics at United States Military Academy
West Point, New York
International Affairs
United States Military Academy since Jul 2012
Instructor of American Politics
US Army Jul 2009 - Jul 2010
Company Commander
Stanford University 2010 - 2012
Masters of Political Science, International Relations and American Politics
United States Military Academy at West Point
Executive Director & Ceo At Houston Maritime Museum
Software Development Engineer in Test at Microsoft
Seattle, Washington
Computer Software
Microsoft - Redmond, WA since Mar 2013
Software Development Engineer in Test
Microsoft - Redmond, Washington May 2012 - Aug 2012
Software Development Engineer in Test Intern
Microsoft - Redmond, WA May 2011 - Aug 2011
Software Development Engineer in Test Intern
Microsoft - Redmond, WA May 2010 - Jul 2010
Explorer Intern
University of Michigan 2008 - 2012
B.S.E., Computer Science
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 2010 - 2010
Software Project Management C++ C# JavaScript PHP HTML CSS SQL Testing Software Game Design Matlab
"Tickle Monster" - Imagine Cup Semifinalist Microsoft Tickle Monster is a Kinect for PC game designed for children with Autism.
Microsoft's Imagine Cup 2012: Game Design Competition
"the world's most prestigious student technology competition"
Field Representative At National Rifle Association
Field Representative at National Rifle Association
Saint George, Utah
National Rifle Association since Apr 2012
Field Representative
St. George Truss Co. - St. George, Utah Sep 2011 - Mar 2012
Sales Manager
Pace American Feb 2011 - Aug 2011
National Sales Manager
Pace American Jul 2006 - Feb 2011
Account Manager
Shigeharu Kanemoto - Tokyo, JP Keishi Wakabayashi - Tokyo, JP John H. Kendall - Sugar Land TX, US Ranvir B. Mohindra - Houston TX, US
Satake Corporation - Tokyo
International Classification:
A23L 1/182 B02B 5/02
US Classification:
426507, 426508, 426509, 426615
Milled rice grains are primarily immersed, and at least surface layers of the grains are converted to the alpha-type. The rice grains are then preliminarily dried and consummatively polished, and are further subjected to secondary immersing and secondary alpha-type conversion. During these processes, there occurs no cracking on the surfaces of the rice grains. The consummatively polished rice grains are then separated into individual single grains. The separated individual single grains are finally dried whereby the finished product of instant rice is obtained. The instant rice containing polished rice has good appearance and quality.
Method For Efficient Utilization Of Water In Processing Food Products
John Hugh Kendall - Sugar Land TX Ranvir Biki Mohindra - Houston TX Duane Stephen Rutherford - Houston TX Satoru Satake - Tokyo, JP Sigeharu Kanamoto - Mihara, JP Katsuyuki Kumamoto - Mihara, JP
Riviana Foods, Inc. - Houston TX
International Classification:
A23L 1182
US Classification:
Water is circulated in the processing of food products, such as rice, and in quantities sufficient to avoid undesirable clumping within processing machinery. Further, recycled water produced during the processing of food products is recirculated and reabsorbed by the food products. A portion of the water which contains cooked starch is drained off, and the remainder is recirculated in the processing of additional food products. In one application, a method and apparatus for recirculating water in the processing of rice is provided, whereby the ratio of the amount of water used and/or excreted in the processing of the rice as compared to the amount of cooked rice is less than or equal to about 3:1 by volume.
A refueling system, for use in a tanker aircraft from a remote location without a direct out-the-window view of the refueling operation, having enhanced three-dimensional viewing of the refueling operation by use of multiple video cameras, polarized video monitors and cross-polarized eye glasses together with controls for movement of the boom tip in elevation and azimuth, as well as controls for extension of the boom tip.
Apparatus For Cooking Food Products For Consumption
John H. Kendall - Sugar Land TX Ranvir B. Mohindra - Houston TX Duane S. Rutherford - Houston TX Satoru Satake - Tokyo, JP Sigeharu Kanamoto - Mihara, JP Katsuyuki Kumamoto - Mihara, JP
Riviana Foods, Inc. - Houston TX Satake Corporation - Higashi-Hiroshima
International Classification:
A23B 408
US Classification:
An apparatus and method are disclosed for cooking food products. In particular, cereal grains and rice products may be cooked pursuant to a multi-step process in which rice is first prewashed, presteamed, and then allowed to absorb water in a steeping step for a short time before being cooked in a steam cooker. The rice may be passed along to various dryers, and later dried and packaged for use by the consumer. Further, an apparatus and method are disclosed for using and recirculating water in a more efficient and economical manner in a food processing operation.
Apparatus And Method For Cooking Food Products For Consumption
John Hugh Kendall - Sugar Land TX Banvir B. Mohindra - Houston TX Duane Stephen Rutherford - Houston TX Satoru Satake - Tokyo, JP Sigeharu Kanamoto - Mihara, JP Katsuyuki Kumamoto - Mihara, JP
Riviana Foods, Inc. - Houston TX Satake Corp. - Higashi-Hiroshima
International Classification:
A23B 408
US Classification:
An apparatus and method are disclosed for cooking food products. In particular, cereal grains and rice products may be cooked pursuant to a multi-step process in which rice is first prewashed, presteamed, and then allowed to absorb water in a steeping step for a short time before being cooked in a steam cooker. The rice may be passed along to various dryers, and later dried and packaged for use by the consumer. Further, an apparatus and method are disclosed for using and recirculating water in a more efficient and economical manner in a food processing operation.
John Hugh Kendall - Sugar Land TX Ranvir Biki Mohindra - Houston TX Duane Stephen Rutherford - Houston TX Satoru Satake - Tokyo, JP Sigeharu Kanamoto - Mihara, JP Katsuyuki Kumamoto - Mihara, JP
Riviana Foods, Inc. - Houston TX USA/Higashi-Hiroshima
International Classification:
A23L 1025
US Classification:
The field of the invention relates to a method for processing food products to prepare the food products for packaging. The methods involve presteaming, steeping, steam cooking, and then drying the food products. The method reveals pressure cooking with a pressure that is maintained below 15 psi, and in a steam vessel. Chemical additives may be added to the food products during processing. The apparatus includes a conveyor, steeping tanks as needed, and a water recirculation system. A dryer which includes a rotating barrel adapted for agitation of the food products during cooking is also included.
John Hugh Kendall - Sugar Land TX Ranvir Biki Mohindra - Houston TX Duane Stephen Rutherford - Houston TX Satoru Satake - Tokyo, JP Sigeharu Kanamoto - Mihara, JP Katsuyuki Kumamoto - Mihara, JP
Riviana Foods, Inc. - Houston TX Satake Corporation
International Classification:
F26B 508
US Classification:
The field of the invention is food drying apparatus and methods. In particular, the invention discloses a rotary dryer which dries food granules, such as rice, by rotation within a perforated cylindrical barrel, to prepare the rice for packaging. The dryer provides high velocity drying zones along its length, and high temperatures may be used.
John Hugh Kendall - Sugar Land TX Ranvir Biki Mohindra - Houston TX Duane Stephen Rutherford - Houston TX Satoru Satake - Tokyo, JP Sigeharu Kanamoto - Mihara, JP Katsuyuki Kumamoto - Mihara, JP
Riviana Foods, Inc. - Houston TX Satake Corporation - Higashi-Hiroshima
International Classification:
F26B 1102
US Classification:
The field of the invention is food drying apparatus and methods. In particular, the invention discloses a rotary dryer which dries food granules, such as rice, by rotation within a perforated cylindrical barrel, to prepare the rice for packaging. The dryer provides high velocity drying zones along its length, and high temperatures may be used.
Houston, TexasCEO/Executive Director at Houston Maritime Museum Mr. Kendall joined the Houston Maritime Museum in 2007 after 35 years of practicing law in a variety of settings. He holds a B.S. in General Engineering from... Mr. Kendall joined the Houston Maritime Museum in 2007 after 35 years of practicing law in a variety of settings. He holds a B.S. in General Engineering from the U.S. Naval Academy and spent 5 years on active duty and 21 years in the Naval Reserve. While on active duty, he was a Division Officer...
Vancouver, WAGraduated from Colgate University. Trained as U.S, Navy aircraft pilot. Commissioned 1952. Hired in Commercial Aviation with Pan American World Airways. ... Graduated from Colgate University. Trained as U.S, Navy aircraft pilot. Commissioned 1952. Hired in Commercial Aviation with Pan American World Airways. Remained with sesveral ensuing carriers due to Airline deregulation retiting from Northwest Airlinesa december 29, 1987. Now at home actively...
John Kendall, ultrasound director at the emergency department of Denver Health Medical Center, who is one of the companys advisors, says the images the device creates arent as detailed as those produced by high-end ultrasound machines rolled around on carts. But, he says, the question is whether
and he's tactful. You don't often find tact in the people who are intelligent and strategic," said John Kendall, a Chicago patent attorney who met Thompson at an event for the historic black fraternity Alpha Phi Alpha when they were attending neighboring colleges, and also worked with him at Northrop.
Date: Mar 24, 2012
Category: Business
Source: Google
Is Casey Anthony in danger after her release Sunday?
Michael Mantell, a former chief psychologist with the San Diego Police Department, says the release could prompt attacks on her life. John Kendall, a former U.S. marshal who worked in witness protection, says Anthony will be at high risk for the next few months.
McHenry County College - General Education, Northern Illinois University - Liberal Arts, Woodstock High School - High School Dipolma
Bragging Rights:
"Man! Oedipus was Alpha as fuck!" - Stranger 2
John Kendall
Ball State University - Interpersonal Communication Studies, Rushville Consolidated High School
Comm Major with some Spunk!!!!
John Kendall
Dr Pepper/Seven Up - Forklift operator (2)
John Kendall
University of Bristol - MSc Social Work
John Kendall
University of Kansas
John Kendall
John Kendall
John Kendall is an active full-time Realtor in the New Orleans metropolitian area. His clientele ranges from first-time homebuyers to seasoned real estate investors. As a Top Producing agent, he has b...
John Kendall
SIUE Suzuki Program on Midday AM Show (late 1...
In the late 1970's, John Kendall and students from the SIUE Suzuki Pro...
13m 18s
John Wayne Gacy: The Serial Killer Clown #Cri...
C O N T A C T: For Business Inquiries - TeamKendall@Vira... Send me...
53m 46s
Basic Scuba diving finning techniques from GU...
John Kendall and GUE-UK look at two basic finning techniques - Frog Ki...
3m 18s
John Kendall jr. - God Can [Official Music Vi...
Music video by with John Kendall jr. performing h...
4m 23s
Labor Day Apparition
Find out the mystery of Labor Day. Watch Labor Day Apparition - a film...
37m 37s
John Kendall Interview
John Kendall Interview 1:57. "I really think that it [Waldorf] is a wo...