Medical School Indiana University School Of Medicine Graduated: 1991 Medical School University South Fla College Med Graduated: 1992 Medical School University South Fla College Med Graduated: 1994 Medical School University South Fla College Med Graduated: 1997
Dr. Koszuta graduated from the Indiana University School of Medicine in 1991. He works in Crestview, FL and specializes in Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine and Sleep Medicine. Dr. Koszuta is affiliated with North Okaloosa Medical Center.
Indiana University, School of Medicine - Doctor of Medicine Purdue University - Master of Science in Electrical Engineering Tampa General Hospital - Fellowship - Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care Medicine (Internal Medicine)
Board certifications:
American Board of Internal Medicine Sub-certificate in Pulmonary Disease (Internal Medicine)
Jon Koszuta 1968 graduate of Kennedy High School in Cheektowaga, NY is on Memory Lane. Get caught up with Jon and other high school alumni from Kennedy
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