California State University-Long Beach 2007 - 2009
Johnny Leyva
Warren High School
I'm a father who enjoys every minute of it. But don't mistake my ability to be responsible as weakness, because I'll destroy your world without thinking, if you fuck with mine. Just sayin.
The moment I'm gone you'll realize how much I was actually there.
Johnny Leyva (1970-1972), Jo Ann Ashbaugh (1968-1970), Marshall Adame (1965-1967), Jack Crimmins (1975-1976), Ernie Martin (1971-1973), Gloria Burdick (1972-1974)
Johnny Leyva (1972-1974), Mauricio Lopez (1976-1979), Jerry Douglas (1958-1959), Alan Negrete (1976-1977), Jorge Ramirez (1984-1985), Andrew Castorena (1981-1983)