A message bridge integrates a data management system with a document production system so that variable data may be provided to the document production system without off-line processing. The message bridge includes a transport adapter and a Web server. Preferably, a transport adapter resides at the data management system and a transport adapter resides at the Web server. The transport adapter at the data management system collects and converts variable data into data messages for communication with the document production system so a document composition engine may incorporate variable data in document layouts and printed documents. Soft documents generated by the document composition engine may be communicated to the data management system through the message bridge for proofing and approval.
Dance instructor Jonah Inikori
Dance instructor Jonah Inikori, founder of Inikori Dance Studio, tells...
1m 34s
Many Men - One Woman
Andres & Johnny from Salsa Y Control, Jonah from Inikori Dance Company...
7m 51s
Salsa dancing at Inikori dance studio
Inikori dance studio, students performing salsa routine at the party i...
4m 7s
Rochester NY Salsa Weekend 2012
Inikori Dance Studio, Rochester NY (585) 271-6840 Latin Dance Festiv...
1m 21s
Inikori Dance Choreography 01.3gp
4/25/09 performance by the Inikori Dance team at the Inikori Dance Stu...
2m 11s
Learn Salsa Dancing Private Lessons and Class...
Salsa dance routine at a showcase by a private lesson student. Learnin...