T'da Design and Production 2008 - 2009
Warehouse and Logistics Manager
Electrical Excellence 2008 - 2009
Airfield Lighting and Traffic Signal Tech--Journeyman Wireman
Kike San Martin Photography Mar 2007 - Aug 2007
1St Assistant and Retoucher and Studio Manager
C & S Photography May 2002 - Aug 2007
2Nd Shooter and 1St Assitant and Retoucher
Josh Reinhard Photography 2001 - 2007
University of Miami 1999 - 2003
Bachelors, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Photography, Film
Colorado Springs Christian Schools
Portrait Photography Photographer's Assistant Digital Imaging Photography Digital Photography Adobe Creative Suite Airfield Lighting Project Planning
Josh Reinhard Photography - General Information: A cowboy from Colorado, Josh was raised in the Rocky Mountains roping cattle and defending his ranch from